Leadership At Work
The Board of Directors is a volunteer organization comprised of up to 15 voting board members chartered with advancing the mission of Baypath. The Board is responsible for compliance, financial management, and long-term planning.
The Board of Directors is directly responsible for the Baypath vision, and will be leading the efforts to both build a new state-of-the art facility in the coming years and ensure its long-term financial viability. In alignment with best practices within the nonprofit world, Baypath’s by-laws include term limits for each board member – totaling a maximum of six years of service before a board member is required to step down for a minimum of one year.

Do you have a strong Finance & Accounting background?

Executive Committee

Liz Jefferis

Courtney McFarland, CPA

Andrew Bonetti, CFP

Rhonda Iron, CFA

Rachel Trueblood

David Click, Esq.
Board Members

Amy Schrepfer-Tarter, PhD

Alyson Cox

Lesley Leonard, MBA

Ryan Melle

Basil Pallone

Tariana Nguyen

Chris Alicandro

Andy Lewkowicz
Emeritus Board Members
Emeritus Board Members are individuals who serve the Baypath Board of Directors as non-voting members in an advisory capacity – with a commitment for a one-year term. Such individuals are usually former board members who have unique experience and background with the Baypath organization.

Susan Rossnick

Sandra Gittlen

Deb Koopman
More On Board Activities
The Baypath Board is structured with six committees. Each committee has an appointed committee chair, documented member expectations, and measures of success.
They are as follows:
Community Education Committee
The Community Education Committee is chartered to provide education to the Baypath community in support of the mission, including topics in animal welfare, animal behavior, and government legislation.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of the following positions: Board Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), Executive Director, and Member-at-Large. Together they lead and guide the organization, funnel important issues to the full board, and act as the principal conduit to staff.

G&A Committee
The General & Administrative (G&A) Committee is chartered with providing expertise and governance focused in the areas of Finance/Accounting, Human Resources, and Legal matters.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is chartered to ensure the right mix of Board talent and to set a path for succession planning. Through this work, it ensures a robust Board with skill sets that are essential to the growth of the organization. This has enabled Baypath to expand its focus on issues, including humane education, governance, donor development, and community partnerships.

Donor Development Committee
The Donor Development Committee is chartered to cultivate relationships with donors and other supporters – including individuals, foundations, and corporations – with the goal of fostering general donations, major gifts, restricted fund campaigns, and bequests for Baypath.

Events Committee
The Events Committee is chartered with defining, organizing, and hosting a series of events aimed at generating funds for the shelter while building relationships with constituents.

Baypath Humane Society’s Board of Directors are seeking new Board Members!
Expectations of Board Members:
- Attend and participate in meetings on a regular basis, and special events as able.
- Financially support Baypath through active participation in major fundraising events, cultivation initiatives, and personal contributions.
- Participate on a standing committee of the board, and serve on ad-hoc committees as necessary.
- Help communicate and promote Baypath’s mission and programs to the community.
- Become familiar with Baypath’s finances, budget, and financial/resource needs.
- Understand the policies and procedures of Baypath.
- Prospective Board Members will first participate for 3 months on a Baypath committee before being considered for membership. We are particularly seeking Members from the veterinary, finance, development, or event planning communities.
- For more information, please contact our Nominating Committee at [email protected]