Liz Jefferis

Elizabeth Jefferis

Liz oversees the shelter’s operations and collaborates with the board and committee members on development initiatives and strategic planning. She holds a degree in economics from Smith College and has extensive experience in animal welfare, having volunteered at shelters in Colorado and Florida before joining Baypath Humane Society. She started volunteering at Baypath in 2010. After a year of volunteering, Liz left her career in financial services to join Baypath as a full-time assistant manager in 2011 and was promoted to Executive Director in 2014.

In her role, Liz works closely with the board on strategic planning, fundraising, financial oversight, governance, and program development to ensure the organization’s long-term success and sustainability. In terms of the operation, she has led the expansion of Baypath’s community, behavior, and medical programs, including the Baypath Educates program for children, a pilot surgical program with VCA Animal Hospitals, and a pet pantry partnership with Project Just Because. Additionally, Liz has improved standard operating procedures, including implementing several software upgrades and integrations.

Liz has completed the Massachusetts Animal Coalition’s AniMatch training and is an approved AniMatch Behavior Observer. Shs has also completed the Fear Free Certification Program. And currently, she sits on the Pedigree Foundation Advisory Council. 

Independent of her Baypath role, Liz serves as the Animal Inspector for the Hopkinton. This state-appointed role allows Liz to bring her knowledge of legal considerations and health precautions relative to animal welfare to the table.

She has two cats and three dogs, including a senior deaf pitbull and senior blind poodle!

Team Information

 Executive Director
 Joined us: 2011
 Phone: 508-435-6938