In Massachusetts, every city and town has Animal Control Officers who are responsible for enforcing local ordinances, state statutes and regulations, as well as rehoming unclaimed/stray animals and assist in law enforcement cases.
In the past year, Baypath has worked with animal control officers from more than 25 cities and towns throughout Massachusetts to take in lost, stray, and abandoned animals. At times, we are also asked to help with housing for law enforcement cases, which requires as a more comprehensive intake process. Baypath has a system for notifying the proper authorities, documenting the pertinent information, and retaining the records onsite.
Furthermore, for years Baypath has been contracted to serve Hopkinton’s Animal Control needs to house stray and lost dogs and cats. This contract, renewable every two years, guarantees the town two dog kennels at any one time, as well as space for cats. There are also formal relationships with the towns of Grafton and Westborough.