Newsletter from the Executive Director
As I reflect on the last twelve months at Baypath, two words continuously come to mind – relentless need. Across the organization, we experienced a sharp increase in the demand for our life-saving services. Amid the ongoing national sheltering crisis and unprecedented local need, 2023 was without a doubt the most challenging of my ten years as Executive Director.
Despite the formidable demands of the past year, we continued to show up for the animals and families who need us. This fundamental responsibility is one we take deeply to heart, recognizing not only the essentialness of our work, but the privilege bestowed upon us as caretakers to the cats and dogs and community members we serve.
Throughout 2023, how did we accomplish our goal to be of service to both animals and people? We began by assessing animal welfare trends and how they were impacting our daily work both in and out of the shelter. Understanding that the complex nature of creating brighter futures for at-risk animals cannot be completed in a vacuum, with judicious thought and care we then engaged key allies to accomplish mission-driven goals.
According to national database Shelter Animals Count, the U.S. animal shelter population grew bynearly a quarter million in 2023. This rang true at Baypath, as we contended with truly staggering local need last year:
- 36% increase in local dog rehoming requests
- 150% increase in local cat rehoming requests
- 20% increase in intake requests from our local animal control and rescue partners
The combination of a decline in adoptions, fewer available foster homes and an uptick in animals with pre-existing behavioral issues resulted in unprecedented need for Baypath’s services. While our staff worked tirelessly to accommodate abundant new arrivals at the shelter, they also diligently responded to the overwhelming rise in calls or help from local families – over 50% more than the prior year. Facing economic and housing insecurity, individuals throughout the community relied on our compassionate support to continue caring for beloved pets in their homes.
Meeting the vital needs of diverse stakeholders during such a challenging time is no easy feat. Thankfully, our skilled staff, devoted volunteers and trusted consultants were up to this lofty task. This talented group provided needed support every day to seasoned and new pet owners dealing with myriad challenges.
The following partners strengthened our ability to provide this crucial support throughout 2023:
Community Partner Spotlight:
- Recognizing the financial and housing struggles of many of our neighbors, we partnered with Project Just Because to connect pet owners in need with key supplies. Our Pet Pantry volunteers delivered weekly donations of food and other essential pet care items to this exceptional Hopkinton food pantry, which serves 850 families throughout Massachusetts each week. Our long-standing partnership with Project Just Because allows Baypath to fulfill its ongoing commitment to keep pets together with their adoring families.
Local Business Grant Support:
- Three phenomenal local businesses recognized the striking community need last year and chose to partner with us. We were honored to receive grant awards from Middlesex Savings Bank, Eversource Foundation, and Central One Federal Credit Union, each of whom conferred upon Baypath creative educational materials for our adoption, foster, volunteer and Baypath Educates initiatives.
Medical Partner Spotlight:
- We collaborated with numerous veterinary partners to ensure each dog and cat we serve receives the comprehensive medical care they deserve. Second Chance Animal Services is just one of these outstanding partners. In 2023, Second Chance completed most of our ‘extraordinary’ surgeries, including complicated dental procedures and an intricate toe surgery on senior Pit bull Thumbelina!
Adoption Success Support:
- Spreading awareness of humane, science-based training was a priority for our team in 2023. To assist both new adopters and community pet owners with accessing critical behavioral support, we compiled a searchable database of over 160 positive-reinforcement trainers across Massachusetts and around New England.
- Another component of Baypath’s post-adoptive support, our Dog Adoption Success Initiative, received a welcome boost thanks to PEDIGREE Foundation and the Laura J. Niles Foundation. These generous grant awards allowed our team to empower adopters by providing training, enrichment and educational resources needed to form safe bonds.
Responding effectively to the remarkable uptick in requests for our services defined 2023. Our team met these urgent local needs by adapting our life-saving work and collaborating with strategic partners – all while supporting the dogs and cats directly in our care and in the wider community. As this enormous need continues, we have begun the new year with dedication and vigor, determined to create a kinder world for animals and the people who love them.
Thank you for joining me on this incredibly meaningful journey – your impact is felt each and every day.
With deep gratitude,
Elizabeth Jefferis
Executive Director
Our 12th Annual Fur Ball is fast approaching!
We hope you will join fellow animal lovers for a ‘doggone’ wonderful event at The Verve Boston Natick on Friday evening, April 5th.