Kris Kringle – Shelter Troublemaker to Beloved Companion
Despite his jolly name, Kris Kringle’s antics could land him on Santa’s naughty list. Although tiny, he packs quite a bit of attitude – and not always a joyful one! Like the onions the Grinch so boldly eats raw, the Baypath team needed to peel away Kris Kringle’s layers to understand his multifaceted personality.

At approximately two months of age, Kris was found as a stray in Houston, TX. A caring foster took him in while waiting for space to open in one of the crowded area shelters or on a transport to the Northeast. According to Kris’s foster family in Texas, he had to be carefully watched, as he was fond of chewing and eating things that weren’t necessarily appropriate for dogs.
Upon Kris’s arrival at Baypath, our team quickly realized he didn’t care for medical examinations or like sharing anything he deemed ‘valuable’ with other dogs or people. Within a day or so, he also showed signs of illness, including decreased appetite, lethargy, and vomiting. After being cared for by the Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG), it was discovered he had a foreign object in his intestines and needed immediate surgery. Kris’s report card from VEG was less than stellar, as it noted he was “fresh” to his caretakers.

The Arnold Family, long-time Baypath cat and dog fosters, took Kris in while he recovered from surgery and waited for his forever home. Unfortunately, his visit to the hospital for emergency surgery didn’t curb his fondness for chewing and eating inappropriate items. The Arnolds were admittedly “kept on their toes,” carefully monitoring Kris so he didn’t put everything he found interesting in his mouth while in their home, yard or on walks!
Explaining Kris’s quirky personality proved challenging for Baypath staff, as our team understood the importance of describing both his playful, loveable side as well as his saltier side to potential adopters.
The DeFino family, undaunted by his profile, applied to adopt Kris. After meeting him, they couldn’t help but fall in love with his prodigious ears and sassy personality – and home they went!
The DeFino’s happily report that they love their adorable addition and that he is “doing great and settling right in with his new family.” Renamed Simon, they share that he loves going on adventures, “especially if it includes a visit to Dunkin’ Donuts.” When not riding in the car, Kris enjoys long walks and cuddling with family members afterward. Kris has even become great friends with fellow Baypath alum, Miguel, whom a DeFino family member adopted.
Simon (aka Kris Kringle) at Home
As Simon continues to make good dietary decisions, practice his veterinary manners and strengthen his sharing skills, we know he ended up on Santa’s nice list this year – and avoided pesky coal in his stocking!