Foster Highlight: Judy Caplan
We appreciate our fosters and have asked them to share their stories.
Foster: Judy Caplan
How long have you been fostering?
Since 2021
Was there something specific that made you want to foster?
After our Baypath dog passed we decided to not get another due to intermittent travel. We’ve always appreciated what Baypath does for animals in need. When we saw their request for foster families, it occurred to us that we had time, space and a love of dogs. A good match!
What impact has fostering had on your life?
The dogs we have fostered brought us joy and a great sense of satisfaction in knowing they made it to a happy new life. We find that we laugh more when we have a foster in the house.
Do you have a funny or special story or a special foster to share?
Each dog has their own personality. It is stimulating to learn how to best communicate with and motivate your foster. As they settle in and start to present themselves, you see what wonderful individuals they are. With all they have been through, dogs still have a great capacity to trust and have fun.
Is there anything else you would like to add or include?
The Baypath team makes it very easy to foster. They provide you everything you will need for success. We communicate regularly and they immediately address any need we present to them.