A Stray Cat Found With a Life Threatening Infection
Wilda found her way to Baypath after being abandoned next to her carrier in a Worcester park on a hot and humid summer afternoon. A good Samaritan happened across this beautiful white cat while walking his dog and contacted Baypath for support.

Always eager to assist, Baypath staff welcomed Wilda into their care, promptly offering her comfortable blankets, yummy food and a kind touch. Not long after settling in, it was discovered that the new intake was suffering from several medical issues, including a life-threatening infection.
Thanks to Baypath’s Lilly & Orchid Extraordinary Medical Fund, we were able to seek immediate veterinary care for Wilda, addressing her life-threatening infection as well as bladder and skin conditions.
After a few weeks of our caring staff nursing her back to health, Wilda was medically cleared for adoption. Shortly after, a caring couple met Wilda and were immediately struck by her friendly behavior: “When we met Wilda, she immediately got out of her bed and started purring and rubbing against our legs and hands. We wanted to take home a harder-to-adopt cat, and we loved how she was both reserved and affectionate. We are so thankful to Baypath for rescuing Wilda.”

Fast forward several weeks, and her adopters report that her health has vastly improved and she is very food motivated. They even share that she is super intelligent, learning to open doors and use her paw to grab food from the difficult-to-reach corners of her bowl!
After a short-time in her home, Wilda very quickly became accustomed to her new life as a house cat. Her new family said that she prefers to lounge on the red pillow on their couch, even though she has several cat beds to choose from. This pretty little lady is adored by her doting
adopters, who say she has shed her initial shyness, becoming social, affectionate and assertive: “she greets us with little meows and chirps and demands belly rubs and cuddles!”
Wilda, along with so many other deserving animals who come across our doors, was able to receive the medical care she so desperately needed because of your support. Thanks to gifts made to the Lily & Orchid Extraordinary Medical Fund, Baypath will continue to be a safe haven for animals, a valued community resource and a caring partner to those who need us in the years to come.