12th Annual Pet Photo Calendar Contest Most Successful EVER!
We want to sincerely thank all those who entered, voted or spread the word about our 12th Annual Pet Photo Calendar Contest. Everyone’s participation made this contest a wild success. In fact, it was the most successful contests EVER – raising over $21,700!!!

Last year alone we placed over 888 cats and dogs, yet there are often animals who need so much more in the form of behavior and/or medical help. Participation in this contest ensures we will have the resources to effectively respond to these needs and guarantee many more successful outcomes. Given yet another difficult year and our inability to hold two of our three Signature Events in-person, the support of this great virtual event is as critical and impactful as ever!

The calendar production takes a few weeks, but we will let everyone know through the website and social media when they are ready. Calendars will be for sale at the shelter for $15 a piece or available for shipping ($2 for shipping) if you’re looking for stocking stuffers!
Please check out the contest page to see great pics from the contest – and thank you to all who participated for making such a positive impact on the animals!